Amica Wronki 1-0 Honvéd

Honvéd lost 1-0 in Poland in the first leg of the last qualifying round wich still allows the hungarians to dream with the first round of the Uefa Cup.
AMICA WRONKI: Mieicarz; Skrzypek, Stasiak, Dudka, Wojtkowiak; Kikut (Gregorek), Bartczak, M. Burkhardt (Grzybowski), Kowalczyk (Sobocinski); Dembinski, Kryszalowicz.
HONVÉD: Silhavy; Vámosi, Sztamenics, Budovinszky, Takács; Bábik (Dancs), Vadócz, Horky (Dobos), Vén; Csobánki (Bojtor), Herczeg.
GOAL: 1-0, Kryszalowicz (22')